2008. 2. 24. 20:09
TechTV's Leo Laporte and I(Steve Gibson) take 30 to 90 minutes near the end of each week to discuss important issues of personal computer security. Sometimes we'll discuss something that just happened. Sometimes we'll talk about long-standing problems, concerns, or solutions. Either way, every week we endeavor to produce something interesting and important for every personal computer user.
매주 important issues of personal computer 에 관하여 30 - 60분 이야기를 나눕니다.
그 mp3와 스크립트 제공
click -> Security Now!
You may download and listen to selected episodes from this page (see below), or subscribe to the ongoing series as an RSS "podcast" to have them automatically downloaded to you as they are produced. To subscribe, use whichever service you prefer . . .
RSS도 제공합니다 관심 있으신 분은 들어보시는것도 괜찮을 것 같습니다
매주 important issues of personal computer 에 관하여 30 - 60분 이야기를 나눕니다.
그 mp3와 스크립트 제공
click -> Security Now!
You may download and listen to selected episodes from this page (see below), or subscribe to the ongoing series as an RSS "podcast" to have them automatically downloaded to you as they are produced. To subscribe, use whichever service you prefer . . .
RSS도 제공합니다 관심 있으신 분은 들어보시는것도 괜찮을 것 같습니다