void myPCA( CvMat* A, CvMat* U2 ) {
CvMat* U = ::cvCreateMat( A->rows, A->cols, A->type );
CvMat* S = ::cvCreateMat( A->cols, A->cols, A->type );
functionFillMatrixUandS( A, S, U );
// GOAL: Efficent way copy data from U to U2, Just like crop matrix U as size of U2
// Matlab: [ uy, ux ] = size(U);
// U2 = U( 1:uy, 1:ux ); % simple isn't it?
// 1. Create header only matrix, if you give null matrix it cause error
CvMat* header = ::cvCreateMatHeader( U2->width, U2->height, U2->type );
// 2. Fill matrix 'header' with pointers which pointing each row start position in U element
// accessing matrix element are restricted width small size(resized matrix width),
// accessing next row restricted with U's step
// header matrix has U's step, U2's width
::cvGetSubRect( U, header, cvRect( 0, 0, U2->width, U2->height ) );
// 3. Need hard copy, to survie without U matrix
::cvCopy( header, U2 );
::cvReleaseMat( &U );
::cvReleaseMat( &header );
::cvReleaseMat( &S );
// Selects sub-array (no data is copied)
cvGetSubRect( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, CvRect rect )
int* refcount = mat->refcount;
if( refcount )
cvDecRefData( submat );
submat->data.ptr = mat->data.ptr + (size_t)rect.y*mat->step +
submat->step = mat->step;
submat->type = (mat->type & (rect.width < mat->cols ? ~CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG : -1)) |
(rect.height <= 1 ? CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG : 0);
submat->rows = rect.height;
submat->cols = rect.width;
submat->refcount = 0;
res = submat;
return res;